Broforce - Brototype (Juli 2013)

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Broforce - Brototype (Juli 2013)

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Prototyp des Action-Plattformes <strong>Broforce</strong>, also ein Brototype (Update: Juni 2013)

<em>"Broforce is an indie action platform-shooter video game for PC, with online multiplayer functionality. It features 90&prime;s blockbuster movie action heroes making up the Broforce team &ndash; an under-funded vigilante paramilitary organisation &ndash; saving the world from satanic alien terrorist investment banker businessmen in non-stop, fast paced, addictive game play filled with more action and explosions than anything else, ever.

Highlights: Attack dogs, tanks, new bros to unlock and a boss fight!"

<div style="position: absolute; top: -1999px; left: -1988px;" id="stcpDiv">
<div>- More levels with more explosions&hellip;and some torrential tyranny for good measure</div>
<div>- New bro introducing 1000% more chainsaws</div>
<div>- Cunningly disguised new miniboss</div>
<div>- Testosterone-fueled power metal</div>
<div>- Bees</div>
<div>- We&rsquo;ve been hearing reports of bro&rsquo;s suffering from fatal collapsing terrain accidents. So we&rsquo;ve added scaffolding to levels for additional support.</div>
<div>- We are now carefully monitoring your every move inside and outside the game. If that doesn&rsquo;t spell F.R.E.E.D.O.M, we don&rsquo;t know what does.</div>
- See more at: ... .dpuf</div>
<em>BROFORCE Playable Updates 11 July 2013
-More levels with more explosions&hellip;and some torrential tyranny for good measure
-New bro introducing 1000% more chainsaws
-Cunningly disguised new miniboss
-Testosterone-fueled power metal
-We've been hearing reports of bro&rsquo;s suffering from fatal collapsing terrain accidents. So we&rsquo;ve added scaffolding to levels for additional support.
-We are now carefully monitoring your every move inside and outside the game. If that doesn't spell F.R.E.E.D.O.M, we don't know what does.</em>
<div style="position: absolute; top: -1999px; left: -1988px;" id="stcpDiv">
<div>- More levels with more explosions&hellip;and some torrential tyranny for good measure</div>
<div>- New bro introducing 1000% more chainsaws</div>
<div>- Cunningly disguised new miniboss</div>
<div>- Testosterone-fueled power metal</div>
<div>- Bees</div>
<div>- We&rsquo;ve been hearing reports of bro&rsquo;s suffering from fatal collapsing terrain accidents. So we&rsquo;ve added scaffolding to levels for additional support.</div>
<div>- We are now carefully monitoring your every move inside and outside the game. If that doesn&rsquo;t spell F.R.E.E.D.O.M, we don&rsquo;t know what does.</div>
- See more at: ... .dpuf</div>

Hier geht es zum Download: Broforce - Brototype (Juli 2013)
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: 28.10.2009 15:06
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Beitrag von Pakolias »

Trotz meines Gammel-Laptops läuft das Ohne Probleme drauf... Und spass macht es auch noch :o Ein Muss ;)