Assassin's Creed III - Patch 1.01

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Assassin's Creed III - Patch 1.01

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.01 für <strong>Assassin's Creed III</strong>

SINGLE-PLAYER - Returned Connor's hood to normal behavior at the end of the game (hood remains up when in Frontier or Cities)
SINGLE-PLAYER - Reduced difficulty of certain chases
SINGLE PLAYER &ndash; Fixed Various visual glitches
SINGLE-PLAYER - Fixed player spawn points to reduce desynch on spawn
SINGLE PLAYER &ndash; Fixed rare occurrences of glitches blocking your progression in the main story & secondary missions
MULTIPLAYER &ndash; Tweaked settings to improve connections
MULTIPLAYER &ndash; Tweaked some of the abilities and other gameplay elements
MULTIPLAYER &ndash; Fixed some issues with ranking

<li>Sequence 1: Mission - "A DEADLY PERFORMANCE" - Mission result screen could show an incorrect sync reward</li>
<li>Sequence 1: Mission - "A DEADLY PERFORMANCE" - Player could be stuck in the opera if he backtracked in a certain way after killing his target.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "INFILTRATING SOUTHGATE" - Target would not be spawned if the player failed to perform a meat shield during the firing line tutorial</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "INFILTRATING SOUTHGATE", fixed multiple bugs where the guard on the boat could walk in circles, stay stuck or jump on the railing.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" - Fixed floating muskets after a cinematic.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" - Moved HUD icon on the explosive barrel on the ground instead of above the cart, because that's what the player needs to shoot.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission "JOHNSON'S ERRAND", prevent the player from using hide spots during part the mission to avoid a possible mission break.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "THE SOLDIER" - Fixed a missing audio line.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "THE SURGEON", Fixed a bug where the eavesdropping tutorial couldn't be completed if the mission was restarted.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "THE SURGEON" - Fixed NPC not reacting to the player's presence during the steal tutorial.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "THE SURGEON" - Fixed optional objectives that could fail too easily.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission "WELCOME TO BOSTON"- When replaying the mission, when asked to buy a sword and pistol, those items would already be purchased.</li>
<li>Sequence 2: Mission - "WELCOME TO BOSTON" - Fixed Possible mission break if the player shoots the horse he's supposed to ride.</li>
<li>Sequence 3: Mission - "UNCONVINCED" - Fixed a bug where the player could enter the tavern too early and break the mission.</li>
<li>Sequence 3: Mission - "UNCONVINCED" - Blocked accidental blending during the tavern fight, which could break the mission.</li>
<li>Sequence 4: Mission - "FEATHERS AND TREES" - Fixed a bug where the optional objective "Do not touch the ground" could fail too easily.</li>
<li>Sequence 4: Mission - "HUNTING LESSONS" - Fixed the issue where the bear could flee and eventually freeze.</li>
<li>Sequence 5: Mission - "A BOORISH MAN" - After the mission, the candelabra would display an interaction effect while the secret door to the basement was already opened.</li>
<li>Sequence 5: Mission - "RIVER RESCUE" - Blocked the player from diving in the river too early which could break the mission.</li>
<li>Sequence 5: Mission - "STOP THE PRESSES" - Cinematic could sometimes not trigger, breaking the mission.</li>
<li>Sequence 5: Mission "THE HARD WAY" - Fixed the optional objective "Do not take any damage" that would fail if the player hits rocks even if it doesn't deal damage to the ship</li>
<li>Sequence 6: Mission "ON JOHNSON'S TRAIL" - Fixed issue where Chapheau could become inactive if the player dragged the fight far from where it started.</li>
<li>Sequence 6: Mission "THE ANGRY CHEF" - Fixed issue where the "limit health loss" optional objective would wrongly fail if the player reloads a checkpoint or dies. Also fix the displayed limit to 33% as that's what's actually used.</li>
<li>Sequence 6: Mission "THE ANGRY CHEF", fixed missing butcher hatchet during cinematic if blood option is turned off</li>
<li>Sequence 8: Mission "BRIDEWELL PRISON" - Closed the cell doors while being escorted to prevent the player from getting stuck in them</li>
<li>Sequence 8: Mission "BRIDEWELL PRISON", fixed voices becoming muffled mid-eavesdropping</li>
<li>Sequence 8: Mission "SOMETHING ON THE SIDE" - Fixed missing ocean during the chase</li>
<li>Sequence 8: Mission "SOMETHING ON THE SIDE" - Made the chase part easier</li>
<li>Sequence 9: Mission "A BITTER END" - Fixed a camera glitch if the player reloads last checkpoint during a certain cinematic</li>
<li>Sequence 9: Mission "A BITTER END" - Fixed a glitch that could happen if the player restarted the mission during a specific cinematic</li>
<li>Sequence 9: Mission "FATHER AND SON" - Fixed a bug where the guard you're supposed to kill would not reappear if the player starts fighting him and then runs away.</li>
<li>Sequence 9: Mission - "FATHER AND SON'' - The mission could not be completed if the guard the player kills the target he's supposed to steal using a stealth kill from bench or a rope-dart hanging move.</li>
<li>Sequence 9: Mission - "MISSING SUPPLIES" - Disabled a patrol that would almost guarantee failing the mission if they detected and started fighting Haytham</li>
<li>Sequence 10: Mission - "ALTERNATE METHODS" - Made the chase section easier</li>
<li>Sequence 10: Mission - "BROKEN TRUST", fixed a bug where the player could be stuck on a horse if he exited and re-entered the Animus at a specific moment</li>
<li>Sequence 11: Mission - "LEE'S LAST STAND", removed a destructible barrel that could cause problems if used as part of a contextual counter-attack.</li>
<li>Sequence 12: Mission - "CHASING LEE'' - Adjusted difficulty on the Charles Lee chase</li>
<li>Sequence 12: Mission - "LAID TO REST" - Fixed a bug where the mission could be failed if redcoats start fighting the mission targets</li>
<li>Side-quests: BOSTON BRAWLERS, Mission "PETER BUNYON", prevent the player from hiding, which would break the mission</li>
<li>Side-quests: BOSTON BRAWLERS, Mission "THE TOURNAMENT", fixed a bug where the player could blend with spectators and break the mission</li>
<li>Side-quests: BOSTON BRAWLERS, prevent using anything else than the fists during all fistfights</li>
<li>Side-quests: Boston Liberation Missions, North District, fixed an issue where some events would not complete properly if the player used an assassin recruit to kill the target.</li>
<li>Side-quests: Collectibles, fixed some chests that were not properly aligned when lock picking</li>
<li>Side-quests: Collectibles, removed the glow effect from chests during lock picking</li>
<li>Side-quests: COURIER MISSIONS, fixed a bug where mission update popup messages could be missing or wrong when delivering letters</li>
<li>Side-quests: FORT ST-MATHIEU, fixed a bug where the player could respawn inside the fort's reset zone, which could break the fort's logic</li>
<li>Side-quests: FRONTIERSMEN, Challenge 3, fixed a bug where objective "visit every tavern" would complete after visiting only 1 tavern</li>
<li>Side-quests: FRONTIERSMEN, mission "MONSTER OF THE SEA", fixed a bug where sometimes eavesdroppings could not be completed</li>
<li>Side-quests: HUNTING SOCIETY, mission "THE MAN-EATER", fixed a bug where the smaller locate zone would disappear if the player scans all clues outside of it</li>
<li>Side-quests: HUNTING SOCIETY, mission "THE PATRIARCH", fixed a where the search zone could disappear from the map after interacting with the 1st clue</li>
<li>Side-quests: New York Liberation Missions, mission "PROTECT THE CLINIC", fixed the mission not failing if the player goes too far from the area to protect.</li>
<li>Side-quests: New York Liberation Missions, West District, fixed a bug where the NPCs guarding the infected blankets could sometimes not be there.</li>
<li>Boston: Removed map icon on the door of Molyneux Tavern in Boston, until it is required by a specific mission</li>
<li>DLC: Fixed a bug where the wrong language could be selected even if the proper language DLC is installed</li>
<li>Epilogue: Animus Synching tutorial, forced subtitles on off-camera voice, so that the player doesn't think the game is frozen</li>
<li>Frontier: Fixed a bug where the player could respawn and desync immediately in a loop if he died in the Valley Forge region before it's unlocked. Also patches players which savegame is already stuck in this situation.</li>
<li>Frontier: Fixed a bug where the player could respawn under the ground in a loop, in two different places</li>
<li>Frontier: Plugged a hole in the ground by duplicating a nearby rock</li>
<li>Global: A text message is now visible on screen at all time while a skippable cinematic is playing</li>
<li>Global: Added a failsafe to the animals navigation, to prevent them from getting stuck</li>
<li>Global: After the end credits, put the hood back up when not in Homestead</li>
<li>Global: Disabled special attacks with heavy weapons on animals</li>
<li>Global: Fixed a bug where the player could not equip a color change on the normal outfit from a shop if they are currently wearing a special outfit.</li>
<li>Global: Fixed a bug where the player could not finish enemies on ground if they were thrown in deep snow</li>
<li>Global: Fixed a bug where there wouldn't be any reticle when precision aiming if the SSI option was turned off</li>
<li>Global: Fixed a few rare bugs where the player could fall through the map while swimming or diving</li>
<li>Global: Fixed various rare crashes</li>
<li>Global: Greatly reduced the probability of animals to get stuck inside an object</li>
<li>Homestead: Fixed a rare bug where the Homestead upgrade progress could be lost after fast-travelling to the homestead</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "BOWLS BEGINNER" - Removed possibility to quit the bowls game after a reload, which would fail the mission.</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "CUTTING TIES", fixed a bug where the NPC could react to fights or dead bodies and flee away, breaking the mission</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "NORRIS GOES COURTING", fixed a bug where Norris would not reappear if the player goes too far from him.</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "THE PROPER TOOLS", fixed multiple glitches where the Quest Log could become inconsistent</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "THE WEDDING", fixed a missing audio line</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "THOUSAND-POUND IDEA", fixed a bug where NPCs required for the mission could disappear and break the mission</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "TOOLS OF THE TRADE", fixed mission not failing if Lance falls in the water</li>
<li>Homestead: Mission "WHITE TROPHY", make the cougar immune to explosions to prevent a possible mission break</li>
<li>Homestead: Side-quest "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE COMMON MAN", fixed a bug where the quest could sometimes not be completed</li>
<li>Menus: Added a wait message for some cases where the game could appear frozen if some servers are unresponsive</li>
<li>Menus: Animus Database, fixed updates of Kaniehtí:io entry that would be unlocked too early and spoil the fact that... [censored]</li>
<li>Menus: Fixed a bug where the player's friends' Uplay wall would get spammed by previously completed missions and sequences when the player reloads his game</li>
<li>Menus: Fixed leaderboards ranking the player as #1 when he's actually alone on it</li>
<li>Menus: Homestead mission icons are now displayed on the map when selecting the "Missions" filter</li>
<li>Menus: Present pause menu, fixed a possible glitch if the player enters the controls section and leaves it very fast</li>
<li>MP Modes: ASSASSINATE - Instances where it was possible for players to kill players that were not their target</li>
<li>MP Modes: ASSASSINATE - Bodyguards no longer fail to stun when they are locked by the pursuer of the player</li>
<li>MP Modes: DEATHMATCH - In Fort Wolcott, fixed a bug where players would remained stuck on warmup</li>
<li>MP Modes: MANHUNT - The cooldown boosts for loss streak bonus are not permanently active for all abilities</li>
<li>MP Abilities: Loss Streak now correctly triggers when players lose their contracts five times in a row.</li>
<li>MP Abilities: The Smoke Bomb&rsquo;s drop behavior has been updated. It now drops at the user&rsquo;s feet instead of</li>
<li>MP Abilities: Throwing Knives used against players hiding in haystacks will now make them get out of this</li>
<li>MP Abilities: Players now have more time to perform stuns after they used Throwing Knives against their</li>
<li>MP Abilities: Players are no longer stuck after using the Money Bomb from a ledge.</li>
<li>MP Ladders: Several issues which occurred when players would quit a Manhunt pre-session lobby and join their</li>
<li>MP Ladders: After a session ends on a draw, both teams will now receive the same rate for Abstergo ladder</li>
<li>MP Ladders: Players are now granted Abstergo points normally even if one or several players get the idle state</li>
<li>MP Misc: It is now possible for players to lock their target when their target has just stunned them.</li>
<li>MP Misc: Using money sink three time can no longer reset the an ability&rsquo;s cooldown.</li>
<li>MP Misc: The X icon no longer inaccurately persistently displays.</li>
<li>MP Misc: It is no longer possible for players to get up and perform a kill under certain conditions while</li>
<li>MP Misc: Transitions to join Multiplayer sessions after an invite now work correctly.</li>
<li>MP Misc: Warm up games are no longer interrupted when the host player leaves.</li>
<li>MP Misc: It is now possible to stun a vulnerable pursuer.</li>
<li>MP Misc: The X icon no longer displays above the pursuer&rsquo;s previous target when they have been stunned</li>

Hier geht es zum Download: Assassin's Creed III - Patch 1.01
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Registriert: 25.04.2008 23:58
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Beitrag von tramposo84 »

was für ein changelog, für ein angeblich so hochwertiges spiel... gibts auch schon nen termin für den ac3: liberation-patch? läuft ja erst seit 20 tagen nicht mehr...
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Registriert: 23.03.2007 18:50
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Re: Assassin's Creed III - Patch 1.01

Beitrag von DoubleR88 »

Hört bitte auf Patches in die aktuellen Nachrichtenliste einzubinden, die es schon seit längerem gibt. Damit denkt man nur, dass es einen neuen Patch gegeben hat.
Der elastische Hosenbund.
Beiträge: 1444
Registriert: 01.02.2012 11:24
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Beitrag von HardBeat »

Den Patch gab es doch schon 2 Tage vor Release (der Ubi Shop hatte meine Freedom Edition schon am Montag versendet und Dienstag war sie da) per Auto Updater...