Radio Free Nintendo - Ein Nintendo Podcast für Erwachsene

Hier geht es um alles rund um Nintendos neuen 3D-Handheld.

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Radio Free Nintendo - Ein Nintendo Podcast für Erwachsene

Beitrag von E-G »

Hatte es zwar schon kurz vorgestellt, aber imo muss da schon ein neuer Thread her. Gerade das ernst gemeinte handheldgaming geniest ja ne regelrechte bedeutungslosigkeit in der spielepresse, spiele werden kaum reviewed, nicht bemerkt, oder schlecht gar nicht für voll genommen. Das macht sich auch durchaus in foren breite. Wo man auch hinsieht, handheld spiele werden als etwas minderwertiges betrachet und finden eigentlich kaum bis keine erwähnungen in den gängigen magazinen und shows.


Auch wenn der Podcast so heißt, ist es keinesfalls ein Nintendo only Podcast! Aber, im gegensatz zum mainstream, schließt er nintendo systeme nicht aus sondern rückt sie in den mittelpunkt, wo sie als marktführer eigentlich sowieso sein sollten. Gerade zur zeit der wii endphase liegt der fokus natürlich stärker auf dem 3ds, darum sollte der thread hier genau richtig sein. Ich bin auch noch nicht so ganz erfahren damit, da er auch relativ neu für mich ist, darum werd ich erstmal leute zitieren die mehr ahnung davon haben.
The typical show will have at least of these segments:
New Business - Discussion of new games being played by the hosts. All major Nintendo releases are mentioned, as well as major releases on other consoles.

Now Playing - Quick rundown of NWR content. Or, random rap music.

Feature Discussion - A longer analysis of a major news story in gaming or a look back at a particular genre/system. Examples of the former include the Gaming Bucket List, the N64 at 15, the best of the SNES and Operation Rainfall.

Retroactive - The hosts and members of the NintendoWorldReport forums vote on and play through a game of Nintendo's past - or Sega/Hudson's, if it was released on Virtual Console. These discussions are long, informative, and usually end up coalescing around RPGs if given the option. This feature began in 2009.

Listener Mail - When in doubt, let the listeners decide your topics. These can range from "What game would you recommend" to "What's every Nintendo development studio doing" and everything in between. Even when questions about the perceived self-loathing and hatred of Nintendo by fans and media respectively comes up, it's handled with a quiet dignity and understanding of the situation.
In Retroactive wurden bisher folgende Spiele behandelt:
Dynamite Headdy (episode 131)
Luigi's Mansion (133/134)
Eternal Darkness (137)
Secret of Mana (140/141)
Super Ghouls and Ghosts (144/145)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (148/149)
Ninja Spirit (153)
Super Mario World (158/159)
Geist (163/165)
Shining Force (169)
Super Mario RPG (184)
Metroid II: Return of Samus (193)
Mother 3 (203/205)
Yoshi's Story (215)
The World Ends With You (221/224)
Ogre Battle 64 (230/232)
Legend of the Mystical Ninja (239)
Perfect Dark (245/248)
Killer 7 (256)
River City Ransom (266)
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (278)
Unter dem Obenstehenden Link findet man noch jede menge weitere infos zur show, seien es nun kontakadressen, vorstellung der hosts etc.

Ich werd versuchen nach möglichkeit bescheid zu geben sobald ein neuer podcast vorhanden ist, und kurz schreiben worums ging.
Zuletzt geändert von E-G am 30.09.2012 13:32, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 280: Sand in the Ointment
February 19, 2012

Der erste Teil drehte sich vor allem um Hulu Plus auf US Wii, und die VC (sowohl wii als auch 3ds). Es ging weiter mit einer diskussion zu Wario Land und der MGS3D demo (welches später wieder aufgegriffen wurde). Ein paar impressionen zu Rythm Heaven wurden vermittelt, was auch einen gewissen aufbau zur 2. Hälfte darstellt. Des weiteren wurde ein blick zurück geworfen auf Mario Kart: Super Circuit, God of War 3 und Simsons Arcade. Auch die Mass Effect 3 Demo fand einzug in die Ausgabe.

In der zweiten Hälfte wurde es dann richtig interessant, da ein interessantes problem zur sprache kam: Wie deuted man gameplay? und wie soll man das jemandem erklären? und vor allem was macht es nun aus? angeregt wurde die frage durch einen japanischen korespondenten welcher feststellte dass es einentlich gar kein japanisches wort dafür gibt, sprich "gameplay" gar nicht übersetzbar ist. Es wurde also anhand diverser beispiele (999, Ghost Trick, MGS4, Rythm heaven, Ogre Battle, Smash Bros und noch vielen weiteren) versucht gameplay konkret in worte zu fassen.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von Chibiterasu »

Ich poste hier einfach mal nur um deine Updates mitzubekommen. Werde mir bei Gelegenheit mal einen Podcast anhören.
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 281: Y'all Come Back Now!
February 26, 2012
Nintendo gave us an easy way to kick off the show with a few interesting announcements from the latest Nintendo Direct event. Foremost is the surprising decision to let XSEED publish The Last Story in North America, bringing further validation to Operation Rainfall and pleasing hundreds, nay, thousands of Wii JRPG fans in the West. After a bit of this and other announcements, Jon continues New Business with his long-awaited trek through Super Mario Bros. 3 and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Greg finished up Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 and found a copy of a cult favorite, Slitherlink for DS. Jonny completed a trio of notable games and also betrays his skier loyalty by testing the new SSX demo. Finally, James continues his ambivalent, confusing journey through the world of L.A. Noire.

In the second half, it's time for Listener Mail! A question about balancing academics and gaming causes Jonny to reveal an uncomfortable memory from his college days. We examine the causes and possible remedies for poor GBA emulation on the 3DS. A listener wonders which system is best for downloading DSiWare (cue James: "none"). Then for the big finale, we read a very long email about "fixing" the Zelda franchise, which leads to an even longer discussion over whether that is necessary and just how it could be done. It's a classic RFN roundtable, so please to have a enjoy.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 282: Better Late Than Never
March 4, 2012
200 episodes on from their first appearance together, the RFN crew begins this week's show without their beloved host/loquacious tyrant Dr. Jonathan Metts. Thus, Greg leads the New Business segment with the help of special guest and fellow podcast editor Guillaume Veillette of, who kicks off the show at 88mph with impressions of Telltale's Back to the Future: The Game, before claiming that Kirby's Return to Dream Land is one of the most challenging platformers he's played since Ninja Gaiden!

It's Jon's turn to blow our minds next as he reveals that he's finally succumbed to the siren song of Nintendo's stereoscopic stunner, paving the way for 3DS games such as Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 to sit atop his infamously huge backlog. Then, James shares exciting news of The Last Story's arrival from Europe as well as a report on Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (plus the baffling 3D movie included with it), before Greg wraps up the segment with Europe's impossibly large VC line-up for March and impressions of Nintendo's much-maligned 3DS launch window title, Steel Diver.

After the break, Dr. Metts returns just in time to blow out the candle on the Nintendo 3DS birthday cake as we use the recent occasion of the first anniversary of its Japan launch as an excuse to take stock and reflect on our time as 3DS owners thus far. We document our software collections (retail & digital), pick out our best and worst experiences with the system, offer some hopes for the future, and ponder a highly disturbing question: did Jon call it right where the rest of us got it wrong? Tune in to find out!

Imho eine der interessantesten folgen bisher, besonders die zweite hälfte über das erste 3ds jahr.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 283: I Am Impact!
March 11, 2012
This week's show begins with Jonny celebrating the completion of his New Year's resolution. In addition to the inevitable praise for Mass Effect 3, he also catches up with Minis March Again for DSiWare and finally completes the main quest in Skyrim. More importantly to most of our listeners, James has extensive impressions for The Last Story, which he just imported from Europe. It's a great chance to learn more about the Wii RPG being published by XSEED in America this summer. Jon, always a fan of obscure Japanese shoot-em-ups (or "shmups"), delivers with DoDonPachi Maximum for Windows Phone 7, of all platforms. Greg completes the foursome with his long-awaited experience with Goemon's Great Adventure, one of the few (and best) 2D platformers for Nintendo 64.

In Listener Mail, we deal with a typically excellent batch of questions from our enlightened listeners. What are the implications of Wii U supporting just one or multiple tablet controllers? Why are Pokemon Black & White 2 being released for DS, and what happens to the young audience when the series finally jumps to 3DS? And how can Nintendo overcome the increasingly oppressive inertia of some of its storied franchises being dormant for one or more generations, even as their audience grows and changes much more rapidly?
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von caedez »

Ich verhinder mal den Posting-Spree:

Episode 284: BB Action
James had to miss the first part of this episode, which provided us a perfect excuse to bring in Billy Berghammer for the first time in a good while. He just got back from GDC and got to play Mario Tennis Open, the upcoming 3DS revival for that sports series. Billy also describes his extensive StreetPass encounters at the conference. Greg is up next, explaining how and why he finally picked up Cave Story 3D; he also delivers impressions of the new English demo for Sega's hotly anticipated Rhythm Thief. Jon has an update on Super Mario 3D Land and also steers us into a critique of Swapnote now that the surprise and freshness has worn off. Jonny completes the segment with a trio of downloadable titles: Mutant Mudds and Zen Pinball 3D from the eShop, and the astounding game called Journey from PlayStation Network, which Billy has also played but somewhat less reverently.

James boards the RFN Express with a bang for the back half, in which we break from any typical format to address two special topics. The first is Billy's recent foray into the shadowy world of game consulting, in which publishers pay him to provide outside feedback, such as writing "mock reviews" that none of us will ever read. The second big story for this segment is the gaming media shake-up that occurred last week. Giant Bomb was purchased by CBS Interactive to reunite that gang with their former employers at GameSpot, while 1up was further gutted by lay-offs for some very high-profile writers, including ex-NWR writer Ryan Winterhalter. While the shake-ups weren't all good news, it was rather perfect timing that these events transpired on the very day that we had a veteran like Billy on the show.

We'll return to Listener Mail very soon, so please send in your questions and comments!
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Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

du verdammter ccccccccombobreaker du :P

Episode 285: We're Finished!
March 25, 2012 - 4:59 P.M.
Jonny couldn't make it to recording this week, so Greg pulls himself up into the RFN host's throne and welcomes back Guillaume Veillette of the Negative World Podcast to round out the crew. After being absent from the first segment last week, James leads off New Business with his final verdict on The Last Story, which is quite positive, but not unreservedly so. Next, Guillaume takes his turn with a duo of Intelligent Systems strategy games, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, before he and Jon trade war stories from downloadable HD shmups Soldner-X 2 and Sine Mora. Greg completes the segment by looking at every single game in the 26 year history of the Kid Icarus franchise, starting with early impressions of the new 3DS stunner Uprising before comparing and contrasting the two classic entries that are available on Virtual Console (at least in Europe).

After the break, we reach back into the Listener Mail reserves to once again find a bevy of thought-provoking letters on a broad range of topics, beginning with concern for Wii U's commercial prospects in the absence of a marked technical edge over its competitors. We also answer questions on console/portable preferences, reviewing games that are drastically improved by peripherals, which Nintendo franchises stand to benefit most from DLC, and unusual control schemes that may work but still hinder your experience.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 286: Jill-in-the-Box
April 1, 2012 - 3:48 P.M.
The crew is back together for this last episode before PAX East, but Jonny is immediately caught off guard by an unexpected voice -- it's Karlie Yeung! She came to America early for next week's convention and joined James at the microphone to break the curse of female guests on RFN, as you'll hear explained.

For New Business, Jonny catches up with Crush 3D, the stealth-released puzzle/platformer from Sega that may be worth your time to seek out. He also revisits Mutant Mudds (demo now available on the eShop) and tests the hypothesis that Rhythm Heaven Fever can be just as much fun to watch as it is to play. James and Karlie co-author audio impressions of Dokapon Kingdom, the bizarre party-RPG that turns out to be even weirder than anyone could expect. Jon didn't have any new games to bring up, so Greg wraps the segment. He mentions the extensive GAME store closures throughout the UK before continuing his adaptation to and enjoyment of Kid Icarus: Uprising, one of the most controversial Nintendo releases in quite a while.

After the break, we take an oblique approach to the Mass Effect 3 debate by examining the broader topic of game endings. The conversation spans endings retro to recent, Nintendo and otherwise, and we discover a few interesting truths about why games have endings, how they differ from other media, and why some are effective while others fail. It's a fun feature, but we still have enough time left to address a pair of questions for Listener Mail. One proposes a new review scoring method, while the other asks us to prioritize a gaming backlog. Send your own email questions so we'll have more to answer next time!
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

RFN Panel Edition Tridux: Live at PAX East 2012
April 9, 2012 - 8:13 P.M.
These live panels at PAX East have become a huge annual tradition for Radio Free Nintendo, and we were delighted to return to Boston for a third Meatspace podcast with a small but devoted audience of listeners... plus the many more of you waiting at home for this recording! *Note: There are a lot of variables in this kind of setting, so please understand that the audio is not perfect, and you may need to adjust the volume from time to time.

Joining the three panel regulars this year is our friend Guillaume Veillette from Negative World, who has acquitted himself admirably on a couple recent podcast episodes and did another great job in person. After some quick intros and a special surprise from James, we revisit last year's Wii U speculation round and follow it up with a more realistic countdown to the system's launch. It's a brief conversation by RFN standards, but we manage to tackle important issues like our most anticipated features, repairing the broken messages of last E3, and how to get third-party publishers to stick around this time. With just over six months before launch, very few websites or podcasts are giving much thought to Wii U... okay, just leave it to us experts!

The second half (or two-thirds, really) is devoted to Q&A, as always. We got some fantastic questions from the live audience, which included both long-time fans and RFN neophytes who just stumbled into the panel. We were pleasantly surprised when the PAX Enforcers let us run 15 minutes over the allotted time, due to the next panel being canceled. All in all, it was a wonderful opportunity to hang out with Nintendo fans and each other, and we hope you'll enjoy this official recording!

Episode 287: Demolition Sherpa
April 15, 2012 - 3:31 P.M.
Fresh off our third trip to PAX East and another successful panel, Jon, James, and Jonny rejoin with Greg for a good old-fashioned podcast. Sir Leahy gets it rolling with Cave Story 3D, which of course he loves and has now played through three different times. Lindemann has just barely started the American release of Xenoblade Chronicles, but his early impressions spark a lively discussion amongst the entire group, now that we've all played at least a bit of the game. Jonny completes New Business with his initial thoughts on Tale of the Abyss for 3DS, as well as Metal Torrent, Nintendo's cheap and remarkably short shoot-em-up for DSiWare.

Later in the first segment, we start up RFN's "coverage" of PAX East 2012 as Jon and James describe their terrifying encounter with Way of the Warrior, a legendarily abysmal fighting game for 3DO. Following that trend is Jon's weird tale of Demolition Man, and more importantly, the mysterious stranger who provided unexpected and disturbingly accurate guidance through Stallone's monstrous game-movie blend for the same cursed platform.

Segment Two continues our PAX memories, but this time with a stronger leaning toward actual good video games. StreetPass is a favored topic across multiple 3DS titles, but we also played demos for (Bit.Trip presents) Runner 2, Hell Yeah, and Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 3. Jonny gets his own chance at bad game glory with Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for N64. And we share very fond memories of Chris Kohler's Retrogame Roadshow panel, which you can even watch online.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von caedez »

Episode 288: Extra Tinglish
April 22, 2012 - 3:51 P.M.
Now that we've cleared out all the crazy PAX stories, it's back to business as usual... New Business, that is! Greg has extensive impressions of Rhythm Thief, the Layton-inspired music adventure game from Sega. After hearing his account, you'll find it even harder to wait until July's American release of this 3DS gem. How does James follow that kind of ringing endorsement? With utter confusion, naturally, as he cracks open Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, the only Tingle game available in English (via Europe). It is weirder than you could possibly imagine. Jon throws us a curve ball, or whatever's the hockey equivalent, by joining an online NHL '94 league and spending far too much on a Genesis USB controller adapter. But it's safe to say that he'll be better prepared for next year's retro tournament! Jonny completes the segment with Fez, the absolutely befuddling platformer/puzzle game (which is different than a puzzle-platformer!) on XBLA that is also chock full of Nintendo references, from Zelda to Tetris.

Listener Mail returns this week with some of the best letters we've ever had (and there are more waiting in the bag). A devoted fan in the Australian bush wonders whether her spotty Internet will further limit her gaming choices in the new console generation. A young man grieving his lost grandmother asks how we find comfort in video games. Another listener draws parallels between the early days of 3DS and Vita, questioning whether Sony can save its floundering handheld. Finally, a listener we met at PAX East follows up to prod our memories of when we realized that we'd never grow out of gaming.
Beiträge: 2961
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von caedez »

Episode 289: S.O.P.H.I.A. on the Sauce
April 29, 2012 - 2:39 P.M.
While Greg kicked back to enjoy the NFL Draft, the rest of us kept RFN running smoothly with plenty of help from our friend and frequent guest (of late), Guillaume from Negative World. Jonny doesn't really have a fresh game to discuss in New Business (just a quick wrap-up on Fez), so he leads a brief tour through the recent Nintendo Direct announcements. Most notably, the group expresses both concern and optimism for New Super Mario Bros. 2 (as of recording time, we didn't yet know about the digital release plan). James digs deeper into the dark hole of Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, and now we have the bemused perspective of Guillaume, who also played it at some point. Jon teases the host and much of the Internet masses with his glowing impressions of Diablo 3 from the recent open beta test. Finally, our guest jams on Mario's Picross (for Game Boy/3DS), SSB Brawl training, and 3D Classics: Kid Icarus.

After the break, we bring RetroActive #22 to a noble conclusion with a comprehensive, warts-and-all feature on MotoHeroz. This critically acclaimed, little-played WiiWare title comes from the developers of Trials HD and Trials Evolution on XBLA. The Wii off-shoot is quite similar in many ways, but it also incorporates thoughtful platforming and a baffling online mode to complement the very challenging, often equally satisfying races. We all developed quite different feelings about MotoHeroz after playing it for this feature (including a near-complete turnaround for Guillaume), leading to one of the most ambivalent and enlightening RetroActive segments yet!
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Registriert: 01.12.2008 06:53
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von Bluewoodtree »

Hoere den Podcast nun regelmaessig und er ist wirklich ganz gut. Habe mittlerweile so ziemlich alle Podcasts mal ueber mehrere Folgen ausprobiert: von IGN, Gamespot, GiantBomb, 4Player und wie sie alle heissen. Mein Eindruck war, dass die alle austauschbar sind, sogar die Stimmen hoeren sich so aehnlich an, dass man meinen koennte, die Podcasts werden von den selben Personen gesprochen.

Welche Video Game Podcasts aber bei mir in der Library haengen geblieben sind, sind Wired, DS:Life Podcast, Gamers with Jobs, Spieleveteranen und natuerlich der GameOne Plauschangriff.
Gamers with Jobs und Wired behandeln zwar mehr die aktuellen Spiele aller Konsolen und die Mainstream News, was ich aber an denen mag sind deren kritische Sichtweisen und das die Diskussionen ein wenig mehr Tiefe oder Gehalt haben - wirkt nicht so austauschbar, nicht so flach.
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Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

May 6, 2012 - 4:09 P.M.
This feature-rich podcast starts off with a smattering of impressions for Rhythm Thief, Metal Slug 3, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, NHL '94 Online, Tales of the Abyss, and Xenoblade Chronicles. We also spend part of New Business going over some current issues in video gaming. And all that is probably the least interesting stuff you'll get out of this episode.

We return to Listener Mail this week, and the bag goes deep as we've had an overabundance of fantastic emails; it may take a while to catch up with all the best ones, but here's a sampling of five to get us started. We cover topics such as StreetPass gluttony, Mario revisiting SubCon, the downsides of Nintendo's new digital release strategy, how to continue gaming in a foreign land, and the unsung majesty/absurdity of Pandora's Tower. Keep 'em coming, please!

We finally end with a very special announcement that you'll definitely want to hear. More next week!
das "very special announcement ist in der tat sehr special... aber nicht sehr erfreulich ._.
erfreulicher is da schon dass es meine mail wohl in die aktuelle folge geschaft hat :mrgreen:
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Registriert: 26.08.2008 16:05
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von caedez »

Episode 291: Good Night, Sweet Prince aka The Last Gregisode
May 13, 2012 - 5:26 P.M.
Well, it's time for that episode. Despite the sad theme of Greg leaving RFN, we celebrate him and all the great times with games, memories, funny clips, and only a few tears. But first... New Business! James starts it with his decidedly mixed impressions of Resident Evil: Revelations for 3DS. Greg's next with Game & Watch Gallery 2, a belated date with Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, and some comments on Treasure's Advance Guardian Heroes (though the impressions are actually from Lindy, who wrote the original review for NWR). Jonny reaches the absurd final track in MotoHeroz, completes a digital transition with Darksiders, and continues his journey through Xenoblade Chronicles. Jon closes it out with his own little tribute -- Radiant Silvergun on XBLA. Too bad Greg can't play it himself... or can he?

After the break, we begin the long goodbye with a pair of Listener Mails, hand-selected by Mr. Leahy as questions he really wanted to answer before he left. The first one's about our hopes for the Wii U launch lineup of games; the other one asks us to look at Nintendo's efforts to reclaim core gamers and how Metroid might fight into that strategy. As always, you can send in your own questions for the new RFN crew-to-be. And special thanks to the hundreds of you who've sent kind words for Greg over the NWR forums, email, Twitter, Facebook, NeoGAF, etc. Your words are truly inspiring.

After much stalling, we have to begin the damnable process of saying farewell to our charming Brit editor, and he to the rest of us. There are gut-wrenching moments, but we managed to pierce through the melodrama with humor whenever possible. A brilliant best-of clip edited by Guillaume certainly helps, and Greg also describes in some detail how he selected and trained his successor. But the focus here is on Greg himself, as we each take turns wrestling with our emotions and thanking each other for the amazing ride that has been the last four-and-a-half years. And then it's over.

We'll be back next week, with Guillaume and without Greg. No one knows just what the show will become, but it will be something different, and we hope you'll come along for the ride as we move on from this magical formula and try to alchemize a new one.